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NAUTILUS Liquid Load Bank System



Simplex Nautilus-250-480 Liquid, Portable Load Bank System

designed for portable use indoors


Operational ratings and limitations as follows:

Capacity:                     250 KW 1.0 power factor; 301A

Voltage:                       480V AC, 3-phase, 3-wire

Frequency:                   60 Hertz

Load steps:                  Infinite load step resolution, steps of 0-25,-25-50-50-50-50

Duty Cycle:                  Continuous

Ambient temp:             125F

Control power:             External, 120/240v single-phase, derived from external source. 15A service


requirements:               PG25 coolant

Nominal 12.5oF rise.

Normal duty 125GPM = 12.5°F rise.

                                       KW = GPM x Temp. Rise (F) x .16

                                       GPM = KW / (Temp. Rise x .16)

                                       Temp. Rise (F) = KW / (GPM x .16)

Operating Pressure:     75PSI

Test Pressure:              225PSI

Water connection:        2 inch water inlet and water outlet. Quick disconnect dry-break connectors  


Load Bank Enclosure

Type 1 freestanding, indoor. All welded and powder coated steel frame clad with steel panels and doors. Hinge-open doors front and rear, bolt-on panel top. Rear water connections. Front cable connection to cam-lock panel. Forklift channels, lifting eyes, casters and hand moving handles.


All wetted components 304 or 316 stainless steel, including load elements, load cells, piping, wetted sensors and valves.



Principle Systems and Components as follows:

The load bank is a completely self-contained, freestanding unit which includes all resistive load elements, load control, load element branch circuit fuse protection, main load bus and terminals, valves and fittings, control power supply, malfunction detection system.

Load cells:                         Load cells, each consisting of heavy-gauge, 304L or 316L stainless steel housing, load elements, stainless steel control valves and sensors as described below.

Load elements:                  Immersion type, tubular construction, stainless steel sheathed, chromium-alloy conductor. Screw-plug mounting.

Load control:                     Branch circuit contactors, each step or each 50KW load branch circuit maximum. Variable step controlled by 3-phase triac.

Element circuit

protection:                         Branch circuit fuses, each step or each 50kw load branch circuit maximum, 200kAIC


Power wiring:                    150°C insulated; color-coded and numbered

Control wiring:                   105°C, color-coded and numbered

Power connection:             Cam-lock panel including 1 x 400A cam-locks per phase, 1 x 400A cam-lock ground

Control pwr. Connection: 120/240v, 1-phase power inlet connector

System protection:             Sensors, alarm and shutdown for the following points:

                                          High water temperature

                                          Low coolant flow

                                          High cell pressure

Enclosure:                         Type 1 indoor portable, powder coated grey and nickel metallic. Approx. 24” W x 36” D x 72” H. 

                                          All wetted components are stainless steel, 304 or 316

Malfunction detection

system:                              Sensors, lockout circuits and alarms for: high water temp. (>100°F), high pressure, loss of flow. All sensors are stainless steel

Water flow control:            Load cell equipped with inlet/outlet manual shutoff valves, drain valve, pressure relief valve. All valves are stainless steel.

Load bank control:

PLC based digital load control, Automation Direct BRX platform. Local touchscreen controller. Network control capable of multiple units.

Programmable for manual or basic automatic operation.